There are lots and lots features on Facebook for which you receive notifications. But many of them are of no use for you and you get annoyed by such notifications. As in one of my article, I have shown how you can stop particular Facebook group notifications, similarly in this article, I will tell you how to stop Facebook Game requests/invites notifications.
With varieties of game apps available over Facebook, people tend to send invites to their friends to play with them online. It could be frustrating for the user who is not a Facebook game lover, in such cases people try to look for the way to stop notifications from friends on Facebook. This article will not only cover to stop notification for game requests but also helps to block other apps invite.
How to Completely Stop Facebook Game Requests Notifications
To stop all the game invites notifications on Facebook, follow the below method. The steps are same for Android as well as for iOS devices.
1) Open Facebook App.
2) Tap on the hamburger icon at the top right.
3) Next, look for the App Settings and tap on it.
4) Now, tap on notifications, a new screen will open where you can customize Facebook notifications according to your needs.
5) Next, scroll down and look for Application Requests and tap on it. This will block annoying app requests including game requests & invites notifications.
How to Stop Notifications for Particular Facebook App Request/Invites
If you are getting notifications for a specific app by many Facebook friends then you can even block notifications for that particular game request also. Apart from Android & iPhone, you can achieve this method through web using PC/Mac.
1) Tap on the menu/hamburger icon.
2) Tap on Account settings.
3) Now, look for Notifications and tap on it.
4) In Notification Settings, you will see Notifications from Apps, tap on it.
5) Here you will see all the apps as checked. You can tap on any app to uncheck it. That’s it; from now onward you won’t receive any notifications for that specific app.
I hope you were easily able to block notifications for the specific app or for all the app requests. If you still face any issue, do let me know via comments.
The post How to Stop Facebook Game Requests/Invites Notifications appeared first on TechUntold.