We always keep coming up with latest WhatsApp tweaks at TechUntold like how to view someone’s WhatsApp status without letting them know, download anyone’s WhatsApp status on your device, how to send fake location on WhatsApp & many others. And today I will take you through how to know when someone comes online on WhatsApp. This method will not only help you to check the online status but also to see the last seen even if hidden by the WhatsApp contact.
Know when someone comes online on WhatsApp in Android
With the help of an Android app, you will get to know who is online on WhatsApp. This app works as a WhatsApp online notifier which is currently available only for Android and not in iOS. You don’t have to root the Android device; it works properly on non-rooted devices. You can follow the below steps to find when someone is online on WhatsApp.
1) Download WhatsMonitor App from Google Play Store.
2) After installation, open the app and create the account with your email id.
3) Once the registration is done, it will ask you to add the WhatsApp contact whom you wants to track to see when he/she comes online on WhatsApp. While adding the contact make sure of the country code, which you can select from the same screen.
4) Once you add a contact, it will ask you to “wait for 10 minutes for tracking to be initialized”.
5) After that whenever the WhatsApp contact you have added comes online on WhatsApp, a notification will appear stating that the contact is online now.
Know the last seen of the user even if hidden
You can even see anyone’s last seen even if hidden on WhatsApp using this app.
With the help of this App, you can also get to know when someone goes offline. So you can track both when someone comes online and goes offline on WhatsApp and stayed online for how long duration.
As shown in the picture, once you tap on results from menu, you will see the online time and offline time with the total duration the contact was online.
You can add one number at a time on WhatsMonitor app on Free trial and use it for 3 days. Afterward, you have to purchase to add multiple numbers to get notified when someone comes online on WhatsApp.
Note: WhatsMonitor is not a product of TechUntold. It’s a third-party app available on Google Play Store as a Whatsapp online tracker app.
This app, which acts as a WhatsApp online status checker is fantastic, it not only check when someone is online on WhatsApp but also keeps track of the added WhatsApp contact last seen status. I recommend you to download the app and first use the trial version. If you come across any issue which tracking someone’s last seen or to know when someone comes online on WhatsApp, you can let me know via comments.
The post Know if WhatsApp Contact is Online with this WhatsApp Online Notifier appeared first on TechUntold.